Bridgerton Watch Party

🌹 Attention, Esteemed Guests of the Christmas Café 🌹

It has come to this author's attention that the proprietors of the Christmas Café, known aficionados of our beloved 'Bridgerton,' are hosting a watch party of unparalleled elegance. You are cordially invited to partake in this splendid gathering on the upcoming Sunday, the nineteenth of May, at the stroke of one in the afternoon.

Prepare to immerse yourself in the scandal, romance, and exquisite fashion of the Regency era. In anticipation of a sizeable gathering, the hosts request the honor of your registration. This dear readers, is to ensure an ample supply of scones, jam, and the finest tea to complement your viewing experience. Remember, this is a TV- MA-rated event; please govern yourselves accordingly. 

Do not delay, for one must secure their invitation posthaste. Stay attentive to forthcoming announcements on how one might ensure their place at this most anticipated soiree.

Yours truly, with the most scintillating of secrets,

Lady Whistledown


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